Give us a try, your animals and the environment will not regret it.

Give us a try, your animals and the environment will not regret it.

The Chaff Chaps


The Chaff Chaps cut its first bale of hay into chaff in 2015. We were the first to bring Timothy chaff to the market. In 2021 we now offer Lucerne, Cocksfoot, Meadow and Oaten chaff. We will have Timothy chaff available again in 2022 once we can source the hay. 

In 2019, after deciding we could no longer use the woven poly bags so popular with chaff suppliers, we became the 1st in the world to use paper bags for packaging all our chaff. 

In 2021 we were first to bring a Cocksfoot chaff to market. With no Timothy available we needed to find an alternative for your horses. 

Since we started, we have led with high quality low dust chaff. We Do Not add any oil to our chaff. We have continued to bring innovative options to the market, which we will continue to do.

Give us a try, your horse and the environment will not regret it

Our Chaff











“A family business that is focussed on supplying the very best chaff”

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